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Have you ever visited a website, and then the following day, an ad for that website pops up?

Or have you ever been online shopping and added items to your cart, but didn’t complete the check out? Then you found the following day your browser is flooded with ads featuring those products? Well, then you were “retargeted”.

Visitors to your own website could leave for a host of reasons. They may have lost connection, interest, or perhaps they are browsing your competitors websites to compare information, products or prices. However, once they are distracted or gone, it’s unlikely you’ll get them back organically. This is where retargeting comes in.

What is it?

A very common form of digital marketing, which targets visitors to your website (or specific page/s on your website) with specific marketing ads tailored to people already interest in your brand, business or products. You don’t often get a second chance at a first impression, but with “re” targeting, you absolutely can.

Retargeting ads work by reminding your website visitors (after they’ve left) of the products and information they were interested in on your site. So maybe by seeing the ad, they will be convinced to click and return make the purchase they previously left.

How does it work?

It’s simple, we add a cookie onto your website ** so when a user visits your website, opens a specific page, or clicks a defined link, their browser gets an anonymous cookie added and they will be added to your retargeting list. When that user visits another site that displays ads from (whoever you are producing ads through), your ad will be served to them for as long as the campaign is active. 

**and update your cookie policy accordingly. If you don’t have a cookie policy on your website, read this article as to why it’s a legal requirement.

Why should I do it?

You may or may not know how many visitors you get to your website. A much more important number though, is how many of your visitors are converted into sales or enquiries. In most cases, and with a lot of websites, this number is pretty low – likely less than 5% and even less than that if you aren’t actively trying to turn visitors into conversions. Retargeting is the best way to capitalise on lost website traffic.


  • Allows you to capitalise on lost website traffic
  • Target people who have already visited your site and shown interest in your offering
  • Target audiences who are more likely to convert
  • Affordable marketing tactic available on a range of platforms and channels
  • Suitable for every industry and vertical
  • For e-commerce – dynamic retargeting enables marketers to serve personalised ads for different users based on products or services they viewed on your website


Enter your details below to request a callback and one of the team will call you to answer any questions about setting up retargeting on your website.

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Call us on 01273 757996